Coffee to Water Ratio: Your Perfect Brewing Ratio

Coffee To Water Ratio

Last Updated on December 4, 2023 by Timothy Byron Smith

The first question that we get from coffee enthusiasts is:

How many scoops of coffee per cup, or how many grams of coffee per cup? 

The best answer is: 10 grams of ground coffee per 180 ml of water (180g of water) or two tablespoons (10.6 g) of ground coffee to every six ounces of water is the recommended ratio for most household coffee makers. A standard measurement for coffee is two tablespoons (1/8 cup = 10.6 g).

The ratio of coffee to water is key to the delightful art of making the ideal cup of coffee. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk through the intricacies of the coffee to water ratio, exploring its fundamentals, its golden ratio, and its application in various brewing methods. Last but not least, if nothing works, you can also find your answer on our coffee to water ratio calculator for precise measurement!

So let’s dive straight into the world of the coffee brew ratio.

What is the coffee brew ratio?

The term “brew ratio” describes the proportion of water to coffee in a brew. This weight-based recipe works for any volume of brewing, from a single cup to a big pot. 

The ratio that typically yields the most delicious cup of coffee, known as the golden ratio, is 1:18 (alternately spelled 18:1). One part coffee to eighteen parts water is how this is interpreted.

 The strength of the coffee is described by the brew ratio. A higher ratio will result in a lighter brew, while a lower ratio will yield a more concentrated brew.

What is coffee’s golden ratio?

Almost all well-balanced coffees are made around a specific ratio, even if ratios are entirely subjective. The golden ratio of coffee is 1:18, meaning that 1 gram of coffee equals 18 grams of water. Use a 1:15 ratio for a stronger cup or a 1:18 ratio for a lighter one. 

Nonetheless, the most typical ratio is 15 to 18 grams of water for every gram of coffee.

Ratios for types of coffee

Making a perfect cup of coffee requires a perfect coffee ratio. Below are some types of coffee ratios for you.

Drip coffee 

For drip coffee, we recommend a water to coffee ratio of 17:1. For every 6 oz. cup of coffee, which corresponds to roughly 10 grams of coffee, use a 15:1 water-to-coffee ratio for a pot of stronger coffee.

French press 

Depending on the strength you choose, we advise using a water to coffee ratio of 16:1 to 12:1 in a French press.


We suggest a 2:1 water to coffee ratio for espresso. This results in a very concentrated coffee.


We suggest a water to coffee ratio of 16:1 for pour-overs such as a Hario V60 or Kalita Wave, or 15:1 if you want a slightly stronger cup.

Cold brew 

You can store less liquid when you prepare a cold brew concentrate and dilute it to taste. A 5:1 water to coffee ratio is suggested for cold brew concentrate. Double the volume or taste as you get ready to drink to dilute.

Pro tip: for a creamier beverage, dilute with milk.

Choosing the appropriate coffee beans might improve your experience, even if you’re still working on your golden ratio.

Why coffee to water ratio matters

Your brew will taste stronger the more coffee you add to it. It’s a simple concept with a lot of nuance. Nevertheless, the perfect flavor is not always achievable with more coffee added. Although it is a crucial aspect in the manufacture of high-quality coffee, it is not the only one.

However, if you are still not sure about how much coffee per cup you need, EspressoCoffeeTime has a coffee ratio calculator to help you perfect your coffee to water ratio.

How to measure coffee beans

  1. Place a small bowl on your scale and tare it. Taring is the process of simply putting the scale back to zero so that you may weigh only the coffee beans and prevent the scale from weighing the bowl as well.
  2. weigh whole beans. In this manner, there is no waste, and we may only brew freshly ground coffee.
  3. Pour in coffee until the desired strength is reached.

Factors affecting brewing Ratio

It requires balance and precision to make the ideal cup of coffee, much like it does to strike a bullseye with many darts. In addition to the coffee to water ratio, two additional important considerations are:

Grind Size:

During brewing, the size of your coffee grinds affects how quickly the coffee is extracted. Coarse grinds extract more slowly, but fine grinds extract faster. Here is a detailed guide to different coffee grind sizes.

Brew Time:

The length of time spent brewing affects the flavor. Longer brew durations draw out more flavors, but if they’re not managed, they might also result in bitterness.

A balanced and fulfilling cup of coffee requires the proper alignment of these three parameters: ratio, grind size, and brew duration.

Frequently asked questions

1. Can I make coffee without a scale by using an ordinary kitchen measuring cup?

Although it is feasible, it is strongly advised to use a scale for accuracy, particularly if you want to maintain consistency in the quality of your coffee.

2. What occurs to my brew if I add too much coffee?

An excessive amount of coffee can make food taste extremely harsh and bitter. To get the right flavor, the coffee to water ratio must be balanced.

3. Do all coffee beans have the same ratio of coffee to water?

No, depending on one’s preferences and the kind of coffee beans used, the perfect ratio may change. It’s advisable to try different things to find your ideal brew.

4. Is the coffee-to-water ratio more crucial than the size of the grind?

Yes, the strength and flavor of your coffee are greatly affected by the size of the grind. It’s an important factor to take into account in addition to the coffee-to-water ratio.

5. Can I use the same coffee beans but change the ratio of coffee to water for different brewing techniques?

Yes, you may adapt your coffee to suit different ways and palates by changing the ratio.

Final thoughts 

In conclusion, mastering the ideal coffee to water ratio is essential to making the ideal cup of joe.

Armed with the perfect knowledge of the golden ratio, practical calculations, and an understanding of related factors, you’re now ready to embark on your journey toward the perfect cup of coffee. or if you still feel confused, our coffee to water ratio calculator is there to help you.

Remember, experimentation is the key to discovering your coffee nirvana. Enjoy your brewing!

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